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Slovenia boasts great diversity of waters, including Chalk Streams, Alpine Rivers and Lakes. Whether you are a seasoned and experienced angler or a first timer who is willing to learn to fly fish, our professional guide team will match your capabilities and desires to the right water!

This geographic diversity of Slovenia, brings the wild variety of fish species challenging you – Marble trout, Brown trout, Rainbow trout, Grayling and Huchen. We specialize stalking natural Marble trout – considered a pride and symbol of Slovenian fly fishing and winter hunt on Huchen a king of Slovenia streams.

What set us apart from the crowd?

  • More than three Decades of Experiences – profound knowledge of waters, techniques
  • Two full-time fishing guides
  • Our Krka Mayfly Lodge
  • Commitment – to fly fishing & our guests

Why hire a fly fishing guide?

Fly anglers visiting Slovenia, no matter their experience level, lack a local knowledge of Slovenian rivers. A full-time professional guide is of priceless value, his experiences and skills enabling him to adjust too and assist you on your journey. Years of experience observing fish, learning the water and hatches and that uncanny sixth sense many of the best guides possess, usually results in more hook-ups.

Your fly fishing guides – Sasa and Bostjan






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